On TV as well as in the hallways at work and school, jokes about "man boobs" are pretty common. However, the reality can be anything but funny for some people. As much as we laugh when Kramer and Frank Costanza discusses their plans for "bros" and "mansierres," some men who experience an unwanted swelling of their breasts are very self-conscious and unhappy about this.
Swelling of the male breast can be divided into two different types. The first is called gynecomastia, which means "woman-like breast." This type of swelling occurs when hormonal fluctuations or other factors cause an actual increase in the glandular tissue of the breast. The second type is called pseudo-gynecomastia, and it is caused by a proliferation of fatty tissue around the breasts.
Regardless of the cause, this condition can be awkward or unsettling. Some amount of male breast swelling is actually pretty common. Some estimates predict that as many as 50% of all men will experience some amount of unwanted breast swelling at some point in their lives. However, the commonness of this condition does not make people any more comfortable about or accepting of it. Whether a person is of junior high age or retirement age, it still isn't fun to be made fun of for having "woman-like breasts." A lot of men feel awkward in the locker room, and a number of men avoid going shirtless or going swimming out of fear that someone will mock them for their "man boobs."
One thing that a number of men turn to in their attempt to fix their "man boobs" is liposuction (a surgical procedure which is also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy). During this procedure, small incisions are made in the chest and a small hollow metal tube called a cannula is inserted. By moving the cannula back and forth, the doctor can break up and remove the unwanted fat.
This surgery has proved very effective at treating pseudo-gynecomastia. By removing the excess fat around the breast, the breast swelling can be reduced, returning a more masculine appearance to the chest.
Unfortunately, true gynecomastia cannot be treated by liposuction. Because this condition involves the glandular tissue and because a lipoplasty can only affect fatty tissue, other alternatives are necessary.
If you have experienced a swelling of your chest and would like to change your appearance, you may want to consider scheduling a free consultation with a liposuction surgeon in your area. Your surgeon should be able to help you understand whether the surgery could help you with your specific needs and condition. If your condition is not one that a lipoplasty could help with, you might consider meeting with your doctor to discuss what else can be done about it.
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